Frequently Asked Questions

Get all the answers about FlipWP, for buyers and sellers.


How many listings will you have?

We release new four new listings where we have them every Monday.

All our listings will be WordPress and WooCommerce products.

We have a range in our pipeline: from smaller or currently unmonetised plugins that present a significant opportunity to a buyer that can grow them, to mature plugins looking for six or seven figures.

We know a range of listings is important, and we're aiming to present listings of all sizes.

We want to provide our buyer members with quality opportunities. This is our main criteria. If we think a listing could be interesting to buyers, we'll list it.

We will list pre-revenue and free-only businesses.

The only listings we're rejecting are those that are definitely not interesting to our buyers. If we think it's even the smallest maybe, we'll put it live.

Membership as a buyer is $299 per year. You can get $50 off your first year with the code FLIPWP50 if you join before our listings launch on June 28th.

We think the buyer membership is a steal for the access we're offering – high quality listings of WordPress products.


Does it cost to list a business for sale?

We charge a low listing fee, and a success fee for some listings.

The listing fees are as follows:

  • $99 for listings with asking prices up to $20k
  • $199 for listings up to $100k.
  • We welcome listings over $100k and have listed products up to the multi-millions. Please get in touch to discuss how we can best facilitate your sale at this level.

Additionally, if you sell to one of our members for over $20k, we’ll charge you a 1% success fee.

Sign up as a seller on the site here. Once logged in, you can contact us to list your business here. We will have a dedicated listing submission form coming soon.

FlipWP is a marketplace for WordPress product businesses. Such as plugins, themes, WordPress focussed SaaS applications, and WordPress related websites and domains.

We aren't listing general websites built with WordPress. We only list WordPress plugin, theme or SaaS product businesses.


Do I need separate accounts to be a buyer and a seller?

No, you can use the same account. Contact us and we can convert your account. In the future you will be able to do this from your account.

Didn’t find an answer?

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